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Export Requirements from Shipping

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The Shipping Import feature described here requires that the shipping software create (or export) records with the data that is to be imported.   The fields that the Shipping Import feature can use are described below.   Later in this document is a description of how you tell Sage 100 ERP which fields to import and where to find them in the file that was sent from the shipping software.   Included in this document is a brief overview of how you configure UPS WorldShip and FedEx Ship Manager to export a comma-delimited file with the appropriate data.   The fields that can be imported do not have to be in any particular sequence in your shipping export file.  Part of the configuration of the software will tell the program where to find each field.

Order NumberRequired.   This field must match an existing order in the Sage 100 ERP Sales Order system.   If this field is not available, the import cannot work.   If the value in the field does not match a valid Sage 100 ERP sales order that is currently being invoiced (or shipped), then the record will not be imported.   In Sage 100 ERP, the order number is seven characters long.  If it is numeric, it is right justified and zero-filled.  The order number in the comma-delimited file does not have to be properly formatted.  The import function will attempt to format it according to the Sage 100 ERP requirements before matching to a sales order.

Tracking Number – Optional.   The tracking number, if provided, can be saved with the invoice in Sage 100 ERP and copied into history.

Weight – Optional.  Typical shipping software will include the weight of each package.  You can select to save the weight along with the tracking number.  You can also select to put the total weight on the order header.

Freight Amount – Optional.  You can select to put the freight amount for the package into the Sage 100 ERP order header.  If there are multiple packages, the program will total the freight amount for the order header.  If your sales order system is set up to calculate tax on the freight, that will automatically occur, also.

Ship Via – Optional.  You can select to automatically set the Ship Via field on the order header based upon the Ship Via from the shipping software.   NOTE:  This software will not translate the Ship Via values that are read from the shipping import file.  Whatever is in the comma-delimited file must match a valid Ship Via code in Sage 100 ERP or it will be ignored.

Void Flag – Optional.  If you void a shipment in the shipping software, you must include the Void Flag (Y/N) in the shipping import file so that the tracking number can be removed from the invoice and the freight and weight can be recalculated.

Below is an example of a comma-delimited file from UPS WorldShip.  Note that the fields are not in the same order as listed above.  In the example, the fields are Order, Freight, Weight, Tracking, Ship Via, and Void Flag.



Other Fields – Optional.   Revision 02 of ASI Shipping Integration allows you to export many fields from your shipping software and import them into most of the fields on the invoice header or in the invoice tracking lines.