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Shipping Integration is designed to integrate your shipping software system with your Sage 100 ERP Sales Order shipping system.  It requires that the shipping software be able to export a delimited file for each shipment.  The delimited file can then be read by Shipping Integration and information pulled into Sage 100 ERP.  Many shipping systems, like UPS Worldship or FedEx Ship Manager, are able to read shipping information from Sage 100 ERP orders to speed entry.  Setting these procedures up in the shipping software are outside the scope of this modification, but we have included instructions for UPS Worldship and FedEx Ship Manager.

The key that ties everything together is the document number - either sales order, service order or invoice number (or rental contract for some versions).  For this reason it is critical that each package shipped have a consistent order or invoice number from Sage 100 ERP in one of the Reference fields in the shipping software and that that reference field is set up to export after each shipment.

There are two sides to this process: The shipping software side and the Sage 100 ERP side. There are no changes to the shipping software.  As long as your shipping computer has access to the server where the Sage 100 ERP data resides and has ODBC (Open  DataBase Connectivity) installed, you can usually set it up to read data from the Sales Order header file directly into the shipment in the shipping software.  As mentioned before, it is critical that the Sage 100 ERP document number (sales order, service order, invoice number or contract) be stored in one of the reference fields on the package so it can be exported with the shipment information and tied back to the Sage 100 ERP shipping system invoice.   Even though pulling information into the shipping software is a standard feature, an example will be documented briefly here.

The other side of the function is to pull the shipping software shipment information back into the Sage 100 ERP shipping system.  This is the custom modification provided by the ASI Addition, Shipping Integration.  A standard feature of most modern shipping software, including UPS Worldship and FedEx Ship Manager allows you to create a comma-delimited file with selected information after every shipment.   This file is then read by the Shipping Import function to update the shipping records in Sage 100 ERP.  The order or invoice must be present in the comma-delimited file in a consistent column.  Along with that, the import can optionally update the tracking numbers, the weight, the freight and the Ship Via code from the shipping software to Sage 100 ERP.  This new function is available as a batch process from the Sales Order shipping menu or from a button on the Sales Order Shipping Data Entry Shipment panel.

The Shipping Integration package does not only pull in UPS WorldShip or FedEx Ship Manager data.  As long as your shipping package can produce a comma-delimited file, you can import the designated shipping data from any other package as well.

Added Field Mapping – As of revision 02, you can map many additional fields to be filed in on the invoice header or in the tracking lines, including user-defined fields.

Service Order Matching – As of revision 02, you can substitute the Service Order Number from ASI Service Center in the place of the sales order number in the import file and Shipping Integration will find the service order.