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Service Item - End User Tab

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End User Customer No - This is the customer number to whom the service item was first sold.  It can later be changed if it was subsequently sold to another customer. The bill to address and phone are read from the Accounts Receivable Customer Master file during initial setup. You may, if you wish, change the address for the End User customer.

Ship To - When the item is first sold, this is the ship-to code to which the item was shipped.  It can be changed at any time, but it must be a valid ship-to code for the End User Customer.

Current Location Address - Initially the current location will be the address from the ship to code entered.  If the service item is located in a different place than the end user bill to address, you can enter that other address here and make it a permanent part of the service item record.

Reset Sold-To User Address - Lookup-Reset 75% The service item record stores an address for the end user customer. When the record is first created and the customer numbers are entered, the address is pulled from the Accounts Receivable Customer record. You may override the address on the Service Item if you wish. If the address on the Service Item does not match the address found for the customer in A/R, this buttons will appear. You can press the button to read the new address from the Customer record and set the Service Item record to match.