Since support for FRx has officially ended, a lot of Sage 100 ERP customers are using Sage Intelligence for the first time. So we wanted to provide you with a summary of all the important enhancements added over the last several months, along with some online resources, user guides, and demo videos that are handy for both Sage Intelligence “newbies” and experienced Sage Intelligence users.
More Intelligence in Sage 100 ERP
Over the last year, we’ve seen significant new features and enhancements to Sage Intelligence including additions like Reporting Trees, Report Distribution, and the Report Designer Add-in.
Reporting Trees allow you to create a visual model of your company reporting structure without changing any underlying financial data. It’s perfect for companies that have a hierarchical structure in which departments (or other business units) report to one or more higher level units.
New Report Distribution provides fully unattended scheduling and report delivery to a file, ftp site, or email address.
Lastly, the recently-introduced Report Designer Add-In gives you even more control over all aspects of report design and layout for companies that have complex, customized reporting requirements that can change on the fly. The add-in features simple drag-and-drop Excel financial formulas.
Additional Sage Intelligence Resources
There are a variety of free resources available online to help you take full advantage of the built-in business intelligence reporting features in Sage 100 ERP. Here are just a few:
Sage Intelligence Knowledgebase
A collection of helpful articles and downloadable resources to help resolve any support issues.
Tips & Tricks
Subscribe to Sage Intelligence Tips and Tricks and get helpful report writing and Excel tips along with useful how-to articles delivered right to your inbox on a monthly basis.
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Quick Reference Guide
Everything you need to know about Sage Intelligence in one convenient place.
Download the Quick Reference Guide (PDF) >>>
Report Designer How To Series
Learn all about the new Sage Intelligence Report Designer in this series of helpful how-to videos on YouTube.
Contact us with questions or if you need help getting started with Sage 100 Intelligence Reporting.