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Sales Order Forms

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Service Center creates invoices and credit memos in the Sales Order invoicing system.  To make the invoice forms more useful for customers, several new fields are added to the work tables so they can be optionally added to the Crystal Reports form for invoices.  All fields added by Accounting Systems, Inc wil begin with D531, according to Sage standards.   The number 531 is ASI's developer code.


D531DemoLoanerLine - "D" if this line is a demo and "L" if it is a loaner line.  See Demo Loaner Lines.

D531TechnicianCode - Technician code from the service order line.  See Line Columns.

D531ServiceOrderDetailLineKey - Combine with D531ServiceOrderNo to link to the service order line.  If this is history, D531HeaderSeqNo is also necessary.

D531ReplacedItem - If the invoice is shipping out a replacement for a Warranty Replacement service item entry, the original item code from the service item being replaced will be here.  See Create Loaner or Replacement.

D531ReplacedSerialNo - If the invoice is shipping out a replacement for a Warranty Replacement service item entry, the original serial number from the service item being replaced will be here.  See Create Loaner or Replacement.

D531ServiceItemEntryLineKey - Combine with D531ServiceOrderNo to link to the service item entry record.  This is also the Service Item Entry number.  If printing from history, D531HeaderSeqNo is also necessary for the link.

D531ServiceOrderNo - The service order number that created this invoice.

D531HeaderSeqNo - The header sequence of the service order if printing from history.

D531ReturnItem - If "Y", this is an item being returned to stock because of a Credit Return or a Warranty Replacement service item entry.

D531NewItemCode - For refurbish, credit return or warranty replacement service types you can rename the item code when it's put back in stock.  This field holds the new item code you assigned.

D531NewSerial - For refurbish, credit return or warranty replacement service types you can rename the serial number when it's put back in stock.  This field holds the new serial number you assigned.

D531NewReturnCost - For credit return or warranty replacement service types you can assign a new cost when it's put back in stock.  This field holds the new cost you assigned.

D531OldItemCode - For refurbish, credit return or warranty replacement service types you can rename the item code when it's put back in stock.  This field holds the old item code from the original service item.

D531OldSerial - For refurbish, credit return or warranty replacement service types you can rename the serial number when it's put back in stock.  This field holds the old serial number from the original service item.

D531ServiceItemLine - If "Y" this is the comment line (or return item line) that represents the actual service item entry you created on the service order.

D531ServiceItemCode - This contains the service item entry's item code.  This is the item that was repaired.

D531ServiceItemSerialNo - This contains the service item entry's serial number.  This is the item that was repaired.

D531ServiceItemDesc - This contains the description of the service item that was repaired.

D531ProblemDescription - This contains the long problem description from the service item entry.

D531UnderWarranty - If "Y" this service item entry was considered to be under warranty on the service order date.

D531FromWarrantyDate - The beginning of the warranty period for the service item entry.

D531WarrantyExpirationDate - The ending of the warranty period for the service item entry.