For Payroll, Electronic Reporting, 1099 Reporting, and General Ledger
To help you get a jump start on closing the year out smoothly, here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions and answers related to Payroll, Electronic Reporting, and Accounts Payable.
When will the year end Tax Table Update (TTU) and Interim Release Download (IRD) be available?
The Q1 2013 TTU and IRD will be available for download from the Sage Customer Portal after December 20, 2012. Sage will update the TTU with any late-breaking legislative changes, as necessary, throughout January 2013.
Note: you must have a current Sage Business Care plan to access and download the TTU and IRD updates. If your plan has expired, please contact us to discuss support options. If you do not have a current logon, click “Sign Up for a Customer Portal User Account” in the lower portion of the screen.
Do I need to download the 2012 IRD for 1099 Reporting in Accounts Payable?
NO. For 1099 reporting, there are no changes so no IRD is required. If you performed 1099 reporting last year in Sage ERP MAS 90 or 200, you should have all the programs you need for this year.
Note: If you’re running version 3.74, 4.2, 4.3, or 4.4, 4.45, or 4.5, you must have the 2011 year-end IRD installed.
Do I need to download the 2012 IRD for W-2 Payroll Reporting?
YES. Install the 2012 year-end IRD. Before installation, be sure to check that you are running one of the following minimum requirements (or update your system first):
3.74, 4.2,, or and you must have last year’s IRD (2011) installed
Note: Product Update 8 (PU8) scheduled for late December 2012 will include the IRD so customers running 4.40 can install either the IRD or PU8 – but both aren’t required.
Do I need the 2012 IRD if I’m running Payroll in Version 4.5?
NO. All of the program changes included in the IRD are already installed on your system. However, you’ll still need to download & install the Q1 2013 Tax Table Updated (TTU) before processing your first payroll for 2013.
Do I need to download the 2012 IRD if I’m using Federal and State eFiling & Reporting?
YES – if you’re running Version 4.3 or 4.4 Federal and State eFiling and Reporting. NO – if you’re running Version 4.50.0 and 4.50.1 … however, you must install Program Fix PR4060-T.
When will the year end Federal and State eFiling and Reporting updates be available?
After December 20th, you can access the W-2 eFiling updates within the Payroll module and 1099 updates within the Accounts Payable module. Simply click “eFiling and Reporting” in Sage 100 ERP and the system will prompt you to apply the automated online update.
Will the 2013 TTU and Form 941 Updates be available for MAS 90 version 4.30?
Sage previously announced that as of December 31, 2012, they would no longer support updates, including the Tax Table Update (TTU), for Sage ERP MAS 90 version 4.30. However, due to the new 2013 Medicare requirements, Sage will provide Tax Table Updates for the 1st quarter of 2013 ONLY for version 4.30 so you can comply with the filing requirements.
Can I print financial statements for the next fiscal year PRIOR to performing year end processing?
YES. In the Fiscal Year field within the applicable report window, simply select the fiscal year to print. Do NOT manually change the fiscal year in General Ledger Options in order to print financial statements for the next fiscal year.
After year end processing, can I delete accounts that will no longer be used in the new fiscal year and still run comparison statements?
Information about prior fiscal years is stored by account number. These account numbers must be retained for as long as you require comparisons. Instead, you can set the status of an account to Inactive to prevent future postings but still retain the account number for comparisons. On the Main Tab in Account Maintenance, select Inactive in the Status field and click Accept.
Can I open a closed fiscal year to make General Ledger postings/adjustments?
YES. If you retained detail history for a prior fiscal year by entering the ‘Years to Retain General Ledger History’ field in GL Options, you can reopen the closed fiscal year and post to it.
To Post to a Closed Fiscal Year:
- Select General Ledger Setup menu > GL Options
- On the Main tab, in the Current Fiscal Year field, select the past fiscal year to reopen
- In the Current Period field, select the accounting period to post to and click Accept
- In General Journal Entry or Transaction Journal Entry, enter the transaction to the reopened fiscal year and period and update the journal entry.
- Reprint year end reports when you’re finished
- Go back to General Ledger Options Main tab and select the current year in the Current Fiscal Year field, and the current period in the Current Period field. Click Accept.
You’ve just re-opened the closed fiscal year, posted a journal entry, and reverted back (in step 6) to the current fiscal period and year. Note: Closed fiscal years can only be reopened in the General Ledger module.
Still Have Questions?
Download the complete 5-page 2012 Year End FAQs (PDF) for Sage 100 ERP Payroll and 1099 processing. Orcontact us with your questions.