In our last issue, we took a sneak peek at Sage ERP MAS 90 and MAS 200 Version 4.5, scheduled for release in just a few short weeks now. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Payroll which is getting quite a makeover and a bunch of great new features.

5 New Payroll Deduction Calculation Methods

Five new calculation methods will be available for payroll deductions, many of which are typically used with unions and dues including deductions Based on Paid Hours, Based on Pay Rate, Based on Regular Plus Overtime Hours, Percentage of Total Hours, and Percentage of Deduction Method.

Payroll Entry Workflow Improvements

In Payroll Data Entry, you have the flexibility to recalculate deductions based on changes in the earnings line while still in data entry. Previously, you had to delete the data you’ve entered, make the adjustments in another screen, and then re-enter the data back in Payroll Data Entry. Obviously a big time-saver when you need to make adjustments on the fly while running payroll.

Importing Payroll Data

Visual Integrator will be updated to support a few of the common labor management and time tracking systems, allowing you to pull data straight from those systems into MAS 90 or MAS 200 Payroll Data Entry. File layouts and sample imports will be included for the most popular data import formats including: Fixed Field, ADP, TimeBank/Kronos and TimeTrack. If you’re pulling data from a time tracking system into MAS 90 or MAS 200 Payroll, these enhancements will eliminate duplicate data entry and reduce the risk of transposition errors.

Beefed Up Benefit Accruals

In Version 4.5, you can manage accruals based on hours worked, which can be used to support salaried, union, and part-time employees. This new functionality will use the code assigned to an employee, compare the Minimum Hours Required for Benefit Accrual with the hours worked. If the conditions set are not achieved, then the accruals will not occur.

Sage TimeSheet – MAS 90 Edition

For professional services organizations that need to track and bill projects based on a fixed time or material basis, Sage TimeSheet 2011 will provide integration to Version 4.5. This sophisticated timesheet and time tracking data collection software will provide the ability to electronically assign jobs to employees and collect data on actual time spent and costs incurred on each task. Sage TimeSheet includes a seamless integration to Sage MAS Job Cost, Payroll, TimeCard, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable.