In a time where online purchasing is on the rise and companies can rise and fall based on their customer service, it’s more important than ever to provide an excellent customer experience by ensuring your customers get the information they want about their orders in a timely fashion.
One of the top culprits of customer experience breakdown is information silos, where customers have their calls transferred multiple places and answer the same several questions each time without getting all the answers they need in one place.
Sound like what your customers go through when they call your manufacturing organization? It’s time to make your company stand out by implementing a CRM system designed for your line of business. With the right CRM system in place, customer service reps will be able to answer questions, handle multiple information streams, and break down the information silos to provide top-notch customer service.
Customer Relationship Management
CRM—or customer relationship management—is both an approach to business communication and customer service and the name of a module that integrates with ERPs like Acumatica and enables you to handle customer requests, proposals, tickets, and communications with ease.
Improved Communication
Manufacturers receive many benefits from using a CRM system, but one of the best is breaking down the information silos that can keep you from offering the best service possible to your customers.
In many companies, information is stored in databases in each department, or even a spreadsheet saved on someone’s desktop. The call center may log complaints into one system while sales is accessing its records in a separate system. The result is an assortment of disconnected information that requires excessive time and effort in order to solve customer issues or complaints.
A CRM system breaks down the walls created by separate spreadsheets and databases by consolidating all customer history into one single database. Anyone from sales to service can access a customer’s record and review it to answer questions or create solutions. With this level of connectivity and access, a CRM system makes it easier to provide exceptional service throughout the company.
Cohesive Content Management
Another benefit of implementing a CRM system within your manufacturing company is seamless content management. Information from the central database can flow automatically into orders, quotes, shipping information, etc. It’s faster and easier to provide quotes, copies of invoices, and more to your customers. In addition, customer service reps can look up past orders so customers can easily and quickly reorder as needed.
Access Information in Real Time
In addition to a complete and comprehensive view of customer records, information is available in a CRM in real time. Documents that are updated in one department are subsequently updated throughout the system, improving communication throughout the company and with customers.
Bring CRM into Your System
Manufacturers have access to CRM in multiple ways. Some providers sell CRM as an individual package that can be linked to ERPs and other solutions. Systems like Acumatica have CRM capabilities built directly into the software, ensuring seamless integration with the entire enterprise resource planning database. Because it is built with those particular users in mind, Acumatica is a top choice for manufacturing companies embracing digital transformation and seeking to improve communication across departments.
Find out how quickly your manufacturing business can get up to speed and scale with Acumatica with the help of the software experts at ASI. With adaptable cloud and mobile technology that supports remote workers, and a full suite of integrated business management applications including CRM, manufacturers can begin managing today’s customer needs with a product capable of supporting tomorrow’s growth. Contact us today to learn more.