Bronze and Silver plan changes, effective starting March 1, 2012

Note: Sage ERP MAS 90 and Sage ERP MAS 200 are becoming Sage 100 ERP

In 2012, a key strategic goal for Sage is to increase customer loyalty and satisfaction by way of more interactions with customers. Customer survey data shows that customers on a Sage phone support plan have significantly higher levels of customer satisfaction (as much as nine points higher) than those customers on a Bronze plan. Sage has the size and infrastructure to provide world-class support service to our customers for Sage product-specific issues. On average, 75% of calls are answered in less than three minutes, and over 70% of customer issues are resolved during the first call. This level of support directly correlates to higher customer satisfaction levels.  Customers with higher levels of satisfaction are more likely to stay on plan and continue to get the most out of their Sage solution.

As a result, Effective March 1, 2012, the Bronze plan will be eliminated as an option for new customers and for existing customer renewals. Existing customers that expire on March 1, 2012, and later, will receive renewal notices priced at the Silver level.

  • Sage 100 ERP (formerly Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200) Silver plan will be priced at 21%.

This change will gradually take place over a 12-month period as customers renew their Sage Business Care plan. Existing Bronze customers remain on the Bronze plan until their next renewal. This change will also deliver a consistent support experience for every customer through the cases available to them with their Silver plan.

One-Time Transition Option

For customers that do not wish to renew at the Silver level, a one-time transitional offer will be made available to renew on a Bronze plan at a new Bronze price without phone support (no multiyear subscriptions) by February 28, 2013.

  • Sage 100 ERP Bronze-level pricing will change to 20% for this one-time transition


Q:  When does this change take place and how will customers be notified?
A: The change will take place over a 12-month period and will be effective for all customers with renewal dates on or after March 1, 2012. Customers will be notified with a special insert in their renewal notice, which will be priced at the Silver level. The first renewal notices with these changes will go out around mid-January for customers who have expiration dates in March.

Q:  Does the Silver plan replace the need for our partners to provide support services to our mutual customers?
A: No. The Sage Silver plan is geared toward product-specific issues and will complement the support our partners provide to customers. Partners will continue to provide more detailed installation, implementation, and upgrade support to customers, in addition to providing support to customers outside of the cases available through their Silver plan.

Q:  What if a customer does not want to renew at the Silver level?
A: For customers who do not wish to renew at the Silver level, a one-time transitional offer will be made available to renew on the Bronze plan at a new Bronze price through February 28, 2013.

  • Sage 100 ERP and Sage 300 ERP Bronze-level pricing will move to 20% for this one-time transition.
  • Sage 500 ERP Bronze-level pricing will move to 19% for this one-time transition.

Q:  How will this change impact customers who were recently ungrandfathered?
A: Grandfathered customers have historically paid maintenance on only their first five users. These customers have paid significantly less than other Sage customers and other companies that own competitive products. In April of 2011, these customers were ungrandfathered and their Sage Business Care plans were capped at an annual increase of 25% until their support fees are in line with the rest of the customer base. This same process will remain in place for ungrandfathered customers who experience an increase of more than 25% due to the ungrandfathering of the fees applicable to their user counts and the move to a Silver plan.

Q:  How do these changes compare to the competition?
A: Industry software assurance plans that provide some level of phone support range from 18% to 25%. The Sage Business Care plan at the Silver level is within this range.

Q:  What if a customer is current on its Sage Business Care plan but is running a non-supported version of the software?
A: Although no maintenance releases or defect corrections are available for a nonsupported version of the software, the customer can still contact the Sage support organization as long as it is current and on a Silver or Gold plan.