Sales tax compliance can be hard for a business to manage because it is a time consuming and error prone process when handled manually. Avalara’s AvaTax™ makes sales tax compliance easy!
AvaTax Calc determines rates based on taxability and sourcing rules, as well as geospatial locating for finite accuracy. AvaTax Certs limits audit exposure on non-tax transactions with a wizard-driven customer exemption certificate management process. AvaTax Returns completes the end-to-end compliance process with return preparation and remittance of sales tax liability. AvaTax integrates seamlessly with your ERP to deliver visibility of certificates and sales taxes and provides detailed reporting. Thousands of businesses rely on Avalara’s cloud-based automation to make sales tax compliance less taxing.
Register to attend an upcoming sales tax webinar on November 15, 2012 sponsored by Avalara, Reading Between the Lines – Tax Jurisdictions and the Way They Divide Us, which is part of their monthly educational Sales Tax Management Thought Leadership Series.
Or, if you are interested in learning more about AvaTax and how easy sales tax compliance can be, click here to view a 6 minute video on sales tax automation!