Whether you’re a fan of cloud-based software or traditional on-premises installations, one of the convenient aspects of “the cloud” is that you don’t need to worry about installing software updates and upgrades because they just happen automatically, behind the scenes.  But soon, Sage 100 ERP customers that have installed their software on-premises (which is most of you!) will get the benefit of similar “magically-appearing” software updates through the new Sage Advisor technology expected to roll out next year.

What Is Sage Advisor?

Sage recently announced plans to add automatic software updates to all of its software products through a new feature and technology platform called Sage Advisor Update.

In the same way that Microsoft Windows automatically downloads and installs updates and security patches, Sage Advisor will monitor your system and provide a list of software updates and fixes as they become available, then, you can download and optionally install these applications on your system – all from the Sage Advisor dashboard.

Start With Baby Steps

Because there are so many different factors to consider in implementing auto-update technology for ERP software, the Sage Advisor Update will likely roll out in phases.  Some of the challenges that Sage has to consider include: how an auto-update will impact customers that have source code changes, integrations, third party products installed, and custom reports.  As such, the first phase of Sage Advisor will likely roll out with Sage 100 ERP Version 5.1 in early 2013.

The Goal is Simple, Push-button Upgrades

The ultimate goal of Sage Advisor Update will be to make the whole process of updating (patches and fixes) your Sage 100 system as simple as possible while eliminating the time, cost, and hassle associated with upgrading to new versions.

Stay tuned for more details as the Sage Advisor Update moves closer to a live launch.