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What's New in Version 4.40

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Business Framework - Service Center has been completely rewritten to conform to the Business Framework standard of MAS 90 and MAS 200.  This gives many advantages, including a more flexible and user-friendly interface, more powerful user-defined field and table capability, and access to business rules from external tools.


Service Center Options - The tabs have been rearranged to be more logical and consistent with the rest of the modules.  Some of the options that were formerly controlled only in Sales Order can now be controlled separately for Service Center only.


Status Codes - There is more control over what a status code does.  In prior versions only a status code "R" would mark a service item as received and stop the RMA from expiring.  In the new version, the user can define which status codes set the actual received date and which ones can mean that an RMA has been received and should therefore not expire.  The same is true of the "V" status.  In this version any status can be flagged to tell the user that the item has been sent to a vendor.


Warranty Codes - The tie between a warranty code and its associated miscellaneous item code has now been combined in Warranty Code maintenance.  You can have any number of miscellaneous item codes that can be used to sell the same warranty, and those codes no longer have to start with "/W" as was required in the previous versions.    The warranty pricing feature has also been combined into the Warranty Code Maintenance.  Warranty pricing is a feature that will pop up a selection of warranties that can be offered for an item being sold in Sales Order or Sales Order Invoice Entry.


Service Technician - The technician code has been expanded to ten characters for more flexibility.  Rather than keeping period-to-date and year-to-date information, the new version will keep an unlimited period history for hours, cost, and revenue for each technician.


Labor Charges - There is much greater flexibility in defining miscellaneous items for labor and warranty sales.  In previous versions a labor code had to start with "R" and have a unit of measure of "HOUR".   In the new version, you can define any miscellaneous item code as labor, and use any unit of measure.  You can even define how to convert that unit of measure back to hours for history and analysis.


Warranty Sales - If you sell additional or extended warranties while in sales order or during a repair, you can define any miscellaneous item code to sell a warranty.  In previous versions the miscellaneous item code had to start with "W/" followed by the actual warranty code.


Service Item Warranties - You can now see all the warranties for a service item, including those that are in the future and not yet active, on the Warranty tab of Service Item Maintenance.  In the previous version the “Next Extended” warranty was automatically handled and could only be viewed as a pop-up, not changed.


Current Location for End User – Instead of just one address for Sold To and one address for End User, you can now maintain a separate address to tell you the current location of the service item.  This address can also be easily viewed when entering a service order.


Demo/Loaner Record - There is now additional information available when you view a demo/loaner record.   Rather than just seeing the item that has been lent to the customer, you can now also see the unit that is being repaired, if there is one.